Promoting Independent Play

Promoting Independent Play

When it comes to parenting, one of the most important skills you can teach your child is the ability to play independently. Not only will this help your child develop important skills, but it will also give you a chance to take a break or get some work done (or just watch them in wonder) while your little one entertains themselves. Here are some tips for promoting independent play in babies:

Navigating Postpartum Boundaries

Navigating Postpartum Boundaries

Along with the excitement of having a new baby comes a lot of change. In addition to the physical and emotional changes that come with new parenthood, it can also be difficult to navigate relationships with family and friends during this time. It's important to set boundaries that protect your well-being and allow you to focus on your baby's needs, and protect the relationships you care about.

Baby Sleep Basics

Baby Sleep Basics

One of the most common concerns I hear from new parents is about their baby's sleep. It can be overwhelming and exhausting to navigate the world of newborn sleep, especially when you're already sleep-deprived yourself. To help sort things out, I'll explain the science of newborn sleep cycles and offer some tips for helping your baby (and you!) get more rest.

Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

If you’re an expecting parent, you may have heard of people talking about "liquid gold” as part of their lactation/feeding experience. What they’re referring to is colostrum, the incredibly nutrient-rich first milk related after birth. Colostrum has been dubbed liquid gold in part for its appearance (having a dark yellow color and thicker consistency than mature milk), and in part for the valuable role it can play in newborn health.